Tips for Improving Male Fertility From a TCM Perspective
Fertility Internal Medicine

Tips for Improving Male Fertility from a TCM Perspective

Infertility is a complex issue that affects many couples worldwide, and it is a common misconception to solely attribute it to problems in women. It is important to note that male infertility can also be a significant contributing factor. In fact, male infertility is the cause of 50% of couples who struggle with conceiving.

Many factors, including lifestyle and environmental changes, can significantly impact male fertility. This is where Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for fertility comes into play. TCM has long recognised the importance of male fertility and offers a unique perspective on how to improve it.

Keep reading to explore TCM’s perspective on male infertility and discover tips to enhance reproductive health. 

TCM’s Perspective on Male Infertility 

TCMs Perspective on Male Infertility

TCM’s perspective on male infertility is based on the principles of balance and harmony within the body. According to TCM, male infertility is often linked to imbalances in the body, which can affect the reproductive system’s function. 

  • Kidney deficiency

One of the core concepts of TCM is the Kidney system, which is believed to govern the reproductive system, including male fertility. The Kidney is responsible for storing Jing, a vital substance that is essential for reproductive health and longevity. 

However, the Kidney system can be weakened due to various factors, including age, stress and poor diet. This can result in challenges such as low sperm count, poor sperm quality (including sperm motility and morphology), and erectile dysfunction.

  • Spleen weakness

The Spleen and Stomach work together to produce Qi and Blood, and transport them throughout the body. When the Spleen is weakened, it fails to generate sufficient Qi and Blood to nourish the body, including the reproductive organs, resulting in male infertility. 

Furthermore, a weakened Spleen can also lead to the accumulation of dampness and phlegm within the body, disrupting the normal functions of the male reproductive system. 

  • Qi stagnation 

Male infertility can also be linked to Qi stagnation from TCM’s perspective. It occurs when Qi does not flow smoothly, leading to blockages and imbalances in the body. 

Often caused by stress, emotional disturbances, poor diet and lifestyle habits, Qi stagnation contributes to issues such as abnormal morphology of the sperm or varicocele. 

TCM Tips for Improving Fertility

TCM Tips for Improving Fertility

TCM physicians view the body as a holistic system and believe that imbalances in the body can affect reproductive health. By addressing the underlying imbalances through natural therapies, TCM offers a holistic and effective approach to improving fertility.

Learn more: Boosting Fertility According to Your Element: Wood, Fire, Earth, Water & Metal

  • Cut down or remove alcohol from your diet

Alcohol is considered a damp toxin that can negatively impact male fertility, affecting the liver which is responsible for detoxifying the body and regulating the Qi flow. Cutting down or removing alcohol entirely from your diet reduces the burden on the liver and improves overall Qi and blood circulation. This enhances your reproductive function, including higher sperm count and better sperm quality. 

  • Reduce exposure to excess heat

Environmental factors also play a significant role in male fertility and exposure to excess heat can negatively impact sperm production and quality. Excess heat generated by hot baths, saunas and prolonged exposure to laptops, for example, are some of the common culprits. TCM physicians recommend reducing exposure to excess heat by taking lukewarm showers instead of hot baths, avoiding saunas and hot tubs, and limiting the amount of time spent sitting with a laptop on the lap.

  • Consume a healthy and balanced diet

The food we eat provides our bodies with essential nutrients and energy required for optimal functioning. TCM for fertility believes in a balanced diet which includes consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats in moderation. It is also recommended to avoid processed and refined foods, as these can increase inflammation in the body, negatively affecting reproductive health. 

  • Include herbal supplements that boost fertility

Certain herbs like Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子, Tu Si Zi 菟丝子, Fu Pen Zi 覆盆子 and Xian Ling Pi 仙灵脾 have been shown to improve sperm quality and quantity, increase libido, and improve overall reproductive health. While herbs can be helpful in improving male fertility, it is important to note that they should be used under the guidance of a qualified TCM physician, as some herbs can interact with medications or have side effects.

  • Go for regular acupuncture sessions

Acupuncture for fertility aims to promote the flow of Qi, the body’s vital energy and help restore balance and harmony in the body. 

Studies have indicated that acupuncture can have a significant positive effect on improving sperm motility, increase sperm production, increase the percentage of healthy sperm, improve the levels of hormones responsible for fertility when used in conjunction with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

In addition to its physical benefits, acupuncture is also helpful in reducing stress, anxiety and depression, which can all impact reproductive health negatively. 

Supporting Men in Achieving Optimal Reproductive Health with TCM

Supporting Men in Achieving Optimal Reproductive Health with TCM

Whether it is through dietary modifications, herbal remedies, acupuncture or other natural therapies, TCM can support  men in achieving optimal reproductive health. So, if you or someone you know is struggling with male infertility, consider exploring the benefits of TCM and taking the first step towards improving your reproductive health naturally. 

With a strong dedication to supporting couples to realise their fertility goals, Thomson Chinese Medicine provides customised fertility programmes that cater to individual needs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about your fertility health!

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